Air Mouse Pro

Air Mouse Pro is an impressive app that turns your iPhone into a mouse or touchpad. So far I have found it useful enough that I sometimes find myself using the Air Mouse rather than my computer mouse even when sitting at my desk. I would not go so far as to throw out my mouse and only use my iPod Touch to control my computer, but it is definitely very useful.

The Air Mouse uses a server program that must be installed on your computer. Once I had the app downloaded and the server installed, I was able to use the Air Mouse immediately. I did have to give the OK for the server to work through the firewall. Looking through the customer reviews on iTunes, I did notice that some people had trouble getting the app to work. My guess (and it is only a guess) is that most of these had trouble due to firewall issues. Unfortunately I cannot test the app in all conditions, so I can only say that it worked brilliantly for me.

There are two options for control. Most people are already familiar with the touchpad control, which is the same as you find on most laptop computers. The accelerometer control is certainly more innovative but a bit more difficult to use. By twisting and tilting the iPhone you can control the cursor. Although I found that the accelerometer control was well-designed and pretty easy to use, I still prefer touchpad control.

The server application allows for extensive customization of controls and buttons. Both the touchpad and accelerometer controls can be customized for any preference. The controls for several of the more common web and media players are pre-loaded into the server program, but the buttons can be customized to work with any program you use. The are also four buttons that can be customized to open applications or perform any function you want.

There are some helpful features as well that improve function for the Air Mouse. The touchpad starts at half the screen, but can be changed to full screen or landscape easily. Using the keyboard is simple since the words appear briefly on the iPhone screen so you can catch typos. This makes it easy to type even when your computer screen is not in sight.

While most users won’t really find that the Air Mouse is an essential app, I think almost anyone can find it useful. Those who use their computer for presentations or who have a media center computer will probably get the most use out of the app, but even standard desktop and laptop users like myself can get their money’s worth.

13 Responses to “Air Mouse Pro”

  1. Ray Says:

    Thanks for posting this, awesome app!

  2. Chris J. Says:

    You’re welcome. I was glad to review it.
    I typed some of the review using Air Mouse while holding my baby girl. It makes multitasking easier.

  3. payal Says:

    hi!!!!!!!!!!!!! i don’t know why is did happing to me both i have one computer and one laptop when i tried to fix but i coun’dnt do it soo please can you helpme

  4. Chris J. Says:

    I’m not sure what’s happening and I am certainly no expert on computers, but I’ll give what advice I can.
    First, go by the website at and check out the troubleshooting section and the FAQ to see if you can find an answer there.
    Some simple things you might try are uninstalling and reinstalling the server on your laptop, or rebooting your iPhone (if you haven’t done so in a while this is a really good idea).
    Start with the simplest fixes first and see if any of those work.
    If you can’t find a solution, I suggest contacting the makers of the app. Make sure you are clear and describe exactly what type of computers and operating systems you are running, as well as what wireless router you use, and any specifics about the issue you are having. The more information you give them, the more likely they can find a source of the problem.

  5. Dan Says:

    I downloaded this app and it was working fine. But then, after a I did the last upgrade, the Korean Characters stopped working on the Air Mouse keyboard. The keyboard still shows the Korean characters, but when I type them in, now just a bunch of jibberish symbols show up on the computer. Since I use Korean Characters often, this really sucks!! especially since previous versions didn’t have this problem.

  6. Vic Says:

    Did you email their support to see if they can help you? Seems like this is the last place I’d post for help especially when they offer tech support.

  7. Dan Says:

    Just wanting to let others know about that. Support has been notified.

  8. Anthony Says:

    Hi can you just verify something for me? So if i have my computer in one room an have it hooked up to my plasma or lcd tv in a totally different room (say 7-8 meters away) will this still work as a remote to let me play my avi files/media stuff etc? even though the monitor and computer are in different rooms?

    Sorry to sound like such a newb :)


  9. Chris J. Says:

    Since Air Mouse operates via Wifi, as long as Wifi is available in the room with your TV, it will work just fine. To put it simply, it actually doesn’t matter where your TV or your computer is placed, just your Wifi router.
    As for the newb thing, I don’t even think about it. Everyone can use a little help now and then, even with simple things.

  10. Anthony Says:

    Thanks Chris…I thought so mate. Just needed to be sure before i purchased it. Good price atm :)

  11. Paul M. Says:

    Hey! I’ve been using this wonderful app for three hours now, everything works just fine, but I don’t seem to find a way to adjust the keyboard sensibility. When I write, it seems like if I was writing without any mistakes, but when I look at my laptop’s screen I see that I’ve typed extra letters in every word. Is there any way to workaround this?

    Thanks in advance,

  12. Chris J. Says:

    That is a new one to me. I do notice sometimes that if you type at just the right moment, after the words on the iPhone have disappeared, a letter or two may not show up. It is possible that you may be hitting a letter more than once, since you don’t see it on the iPod screen.
    If not, I wonder if you might have some weird glitch in the server app. You can try checking the FAQ on the website (I posted a link in a previous comment) to see if there is any help there. You could also try reinstalling the server if necessary. If that fails, you can always email the creators for help.
    That’s the best advice I can give, I hope that helps.

  13. Muhammad umair Says:

    There have already been two updates with Apple’s iOS – iOS 4.0.1 released last July, and iOS 4.0.2 released this August. With these two updates and with the fantastic features of the iPhone 4, is it still necessary for you to jailbreak or unlock your iPhones?
    Before the advent of jailbreaking, people who buy iDevices accept that their device’s fate will be dictated by Apple as to apps that will be installed, which of the hardware functions can be exploited to their full potential, and which carrier can be used with your iPhone.
    Jailbreaking Defined
    People who are not open to the “exclusivity” idea found ways to free their phones. That’s when Jailbreaking came to be. Jailbreaking is a process that enables a device to run code, meaning programs or system modification that hasn’t been sanctioned by Apple. A jailbroken iPhone for example, will allow its user to download many extensions and themes previously unavailable through the App Store via unofficial installers such as Cydia.
    Jailbreaking became so popular that the Copyright Office legalized it last July allowing all iPhone users to gain full and better control of their phones, reiterating that: “When one jailbreaks a smartphone in order to make the operating system on that phone interoperable with an independently created application that has not been approved by the maker of the smartphone or the maker of its operating system, the modifications that are made purely for the purpose of such interoperability are fair uses.”Features of iOS 4.0.1 and 4.0.2
    The iOS 4.0.1 software update didn’t offer new features. Its main purpose was to address the flaw on the number of bars displayed by the iPhone 4 as a consequence of the “deathgrip” problem.
    Apple said that an incorrect formula was used and this resulted to an incorrect display of the iPhone’s true signal strength. Due to this flaw, users in low reception areas see more 4 or 5 signal bars when it should be less.

    The iOS 4.0.2, on the other hand, was also released to address a security problem found on iOS 4.0 and 4.0.1 created by JailbreakMe, a web-based jailbreaking tool for iDevices that is downloaded into the iOS device through a PDF file. JailbreakMe attacks a hole in the iOS making your iDevices vulnerable to hacking and malware installation.
    TheiOS 4.0.2 software update has now addressed and patched this vulnerability issue and has provided improvements to Multitasking and fast app switching. It also brought over 100 new features to the iPhone like folders, better mail, iBooks, Home screen wallpaper, and wireless keyboard support among others.

    The iOS 4.0.2 works with iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS, and iPhone 3G although not all features are said to be compatible with all devices. Apple said multitasking is available only with iPhone 4 and iPhone 3GS.
    Reasons for Jailbreaking and Unlocking
    Now, going back to the question of whether or not it is still necessary to jailbreak or unlock your iPhones, many believed this is still a necessity.
    Apple mentioned that the iPhone 3GS and 3G are not capable of handling the full features of iOS 4.0.2. Many jailbreakers believe this is not the case. iPhone users of these two models who have jailbroken their phones saw that their units responded quite well to multitasking and to running several apps.
    Access to applications is also another reason for jailbreaking because there are far more apps available in Cydia for jailbreakers than through iTunes.
    It is also necessary to unlock the iPhone so people who want to be free from AT&T can switch to other carriers like T-Mobile.
    Jailbreaking and Unlocking Tools
    There are several tools that have already been released for unlocking iDevices. But before you use any of these jailbreaking and unlocking tools, please note that if you need to jailbreak or unlock your iPhone, don’t upgrade it to version 4.0.2 because once your iPhone is upgraded and patched, JailbreakMe will no longer work for your phone.
    This is a web-based jailbreaking tool that was tagged as the simplest jailbreaking tool ever that works for all iDevices. JailbreakMe is browser-based and requires no downloads. It could jailbreak iPhone 4 iOS 4 and 4.0.1, including the original iPhone and older iPhone models 3G and 3GS. The tool is so flexible that it could also jailbreak iPad and iPod touch.
    JailbreakMe can be accessed by going to the Apple’s Safari App. The jailbreaking tool is then downloaded into the iOS device through a PDF file.
    JailbreakMe can be accessed by going to the Apple’s Safari App. The jailbreaking tool is then downloaded into the iOS device through a PDF file. The method allegedly attacks a flaw in the iOS PDF viewer in order to gain access to the device.
    Redsn0w 0.9.5
    This jailbreaking tool released by the iPhone dev team is for jailbreaking iPhone 3G & iPod Touch 2G for 4.0 iOS. The same can be used to jailbreak iOS 4.0.1 and 4.0.2.
    Ultrasn0w 1.0-1
    This latest unlocking tool version has recently been released by the iPhone dev team. Ultrasn0w 1.0-1 can unlock iPhone units under different basebands namely:
    1. iPhone 4 running iOS 4.0 / 4.0.1 with 01.59.00 baseband
    2. iPhone 3G, 3GS with 04.26.08, 05.11.07, 05.12.01 or 05.13.04 baseband

    Do not forget to backup your iPhone before jailbreaking or unlocking your phones just in case you would need to restore your phones later on. Jailbreaking your iPhone may also void its warranty.

    Unlock iPhone 4 iOS 4.0.1 & 4.0.2
    Jailbreak iphone 4 by jailbreak me
    Unlock Iphone 4
    complete instructions iphone unlock tips and tricks
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    How to Jailbreak Your iPhone 3G on OS 3.0.x by RedSn0w (Windows)
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